Source code for radiant_mlhub.session

Methods and classes to simplify constructing and authenticating requests to the MLHub API.

It is generally recommended that you use the :func:`get_session` function to create sessions, since this will propertly handle resolution
of the API key from function arguments, environment variables, and profiles as described in :ref:`Authentication`. See the
:func:`get_session` docs for usage examples.

import configparser
import os
import platform
import urllib.parse
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterator, Optional

import requests
import requests.adapters
from urllib3.util import Retry

from .__version__ import __version__
from .exceptions import APIKeyNotFound, AuthenticationError

ANONYMOUS_PROFILE = "__anonymous__"

[docs]class Session(requests.Session): """Custom class inheriting from :class:`requests.Session` with some additional conveniences: * Adds the API key as a ``key`` query parameter * Adds an ``Accept: application/json`` header * Adds a ``User-Agent`` header that contains the package name and version, plus basic system information like the OS name * Prepends the MLHub root URL (````) to any request paths without a domain * Raises a :exc:`radiant_mlhub.exceptions.AuthenticationError` for ``401 (UNAUTHORIZED)`` responses * Calls :meth:`requests.Response.raise_for_status` after all requests to raise exceptions for any status codes above 400. """ MLHUB_HOME_ENV_VARIABLE = 'MLHUB_HOME' API_KEY_ENV_VARIABLE = 'MLHUB_API_KEY' PROFILE_ENV_VARIABLE = 'MLHUB_PROFILE' ROOT_URL_ENV_VARIABLE = 'MLHUB_ROOT_URL' DEFAULT_ROOT_URL = '' def __init__(self, *, api_key: Optional[str]): super().__init__() self.root_url = os.getenv(self.ROOT_URL_ENV_VARIABLE, self.DEFAULT_ROOT_URL) # Add the API key query parameter if api_key is not None: self.params.update({'key': api_key}) # type: ignore [union-attr] # Set the default headers self.headers.update({ 'Accept': 'application/json', # Add the package name + version and the system info to the user-agent header 'User-Agent': f'{__name__.split(".")[0]}/{__version__} ({platform.version()})' }) # Configure retries retries = Retry( total=None, connect=5, backoff_factor=0.2 ) self.mount('https://', requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retries)) self.mount('http://', requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retries))
[docs] def request(self, method: str, url: str, **kwargs: Any) -> requests.Response: # type: ignore[override] """Overwrites the default :meth:`requests.Session.request` method to prepend the MLHub root URL if the given ``url`` does not include a scheme. This will raise an :exc:`~radiant_mlhub.exceptions.AuthenticationError` if a 401 response is returned by the server, and a :class:`~requests.exceptions.HTTPError` if any other status code of 400 or above is returned. Parameters ---------- method : str The request method to use. Passed directly to the ``method`` argument of :meth:`requests.Session.request` url : str Either a full URL or a path relative to the :attr:`ROOT_URL`. For example, to make a request to the Radiant MLHub API ``/collections`` endpoint, you could use ``session.get('collections')``. **kwargs All other keyword arguments are passed directly to :meth:`requests.Session.request` (see that documentation for an explanation of these keyword arguments). Raises ------ AuthenticationError If the response status code is 401 HTTPError For all other response status codes at or above 400 """ # Parse the url argument and substitute the base URL if this is a relative path parsed_url = urllib.parse.urlsplit(url) if not parsed_url.scheme: parsed_root = urllib.parse.urlsplit(self.root_url) url = urllib.parse.SplitResult( parsed_root.scheme, parsed_root.netloc, # Remove leading slashes so urljoin appends the path to our root path urllib.parse.urljoin(parsed_root.path, parsed_url.path.lstrip('/')), parsed_url.query, parsed_url.fragment, ).geturl() response = super().request(method, url, **kwargs) # Handle authentication errors if response.status_code == 401: msg = "Authentication failed. " request_qs = str(urllib.parse.urlsplit(response.request.url).query) request_params = urllib.parse.parse_qs(request_qs) if "key" in request_params: msg += f"API Key: {request_params['key'][0]}" else: msg += "No API key provided." raise AuthenticationError(msg) # Raise exceptions for any HTTP codes >=400 response.raise_for_status() return response
[docs] @classmethod def from_env(cls) -> 'Session': """Create a session object from an API key from the environment variable. Returns ------- session : Session Raises ------ APIKeyNotFound If the API key cannot be found in the environment """ api_key = os.getenv(cls.API_KEY_ENV_VARIABLE) if not api_key: raise APIKeyNotFound(f'No "{cls.API_KEY_ENV_VARIABLE}" variable found in environment.') return cls(api_key=api_key)
[docs] @classmethod def from_config(cls, profile: Optional[str] = None) -> 'Session': """Create a session object by reading an API key from the given profile in the ``profiles`` file. By default, the client will look for the ``profiles`` file in a ``.mlhub`` directory in the user's home directory (as determined by :meth:`Path.home <pathlib.Path.home>`). However, if an ``MLHUB_HOME`` environment variable is present, the client will look in that directory instead. Parameters ---------- profile: str, optional The name of a profile configured in the ``profiles`` file. Returns ------- session : Session Raises ------ APIKeyNotFound If the given config file does not exist, the given profile cannot be found, or there is no ``api_key`` property in the given profile section. """ mlhub_home = Path(os.getenv(Session.MLHUB_HOME_ENV_VARIABLE, Path.home() / '.mlhub')) config_path = mlhub_home / 'profiles' if not config_path.exists(): raise APIKeyNotFound(f'No file found at {config_path}') config = configparser.ConfigParser() profile = profile or 'default' # Use the default profile if the given profile is None or empty if profile not in config.sections(): raise APIKeyNotFound(f'Could not find "{profile}" section in {config_path}') api_key = config.get(profile, 'api_key', fallback=None) if not api_key: raise APIKeyNotFound(f'Could not find "api_key" value in "{profile}" section of {config_path}') return cls(api_key=api_key)
[docs] def paginate(self, url: str, **kwargs: Any) -> Iterator[Dict[str, Any]]: """Makes a GET request to the given ``url`` and paginates through all results by looking for a link in each response with a ``rel`` type of ``"next"``. Any additional keyword arguments are passed directly to :meth:`requests.Session.get`. Parameters ---------- url : str The URL to which the initial request will be made. Note that this may either be a full URL or a path relative to the :attr:`ROOT_URL` as described in :meth:`Session.request`. Yields ------ page : dict An individual response as a dictionary. """ current_url: Optional[str] = str(url) while True: if current_url is None: break page = self.get(current_url, **kwargs).json() yield page current_url = dict(next(( link for link in page.get('links', []) if link['rel'] == 'next'), {} )).get('href')
[docs]def get_session(*, api_key: Optional[str] = None, profile: Optional[str] = None) -> Session: """Gets a :class:`Session` object that uses the given ``api_key`` for all requests. Resolves an API key by trying each of the following (in this order): 1. Use the `api_key` argument provided (Optional). 2. Use an `MLHUB_API_KEY` environment variable. 3. Use the profile argument provided (Optional). 4. Use the `MLHUB_PROFILE` environment variable. 5. Use the default profile If none of the above strategies results in a valid API key, then an APIKeyNotFound exception is raised. See Using Profiles section for details. Parameters ---------- api_key : str, optional The API key to use for all requests from the session. See description above for how the API key is resolved if not provided as an argument. profile : str, optional The name of a profile configured in the ``.mlhub/profiles`` file. This will be passed directly to :func:`~Session.from_config`. Returns ------- session : Session Raises ------ APIKeyNotFound If no API key can be resolved. Examples -------- >>> from radiant_mlhub import get_session # Get the API from the "default" profile >>> session = get_session() # Get the session from the "project1" profile # Alternatively, you could set the MLHUB_PROFILE environment variable to "project1" >>> session = get_session(profile='project1') # Pass an API key directly to the session # Alternatively, you could set the MLHUB_API_KEY environment variable to "some-api-key" >>> session = get_session(api_key='some-api-key') """ # 1. Use the `api_key` argument provided (Optional) if api_key: return Session(api_key=api_key) # 2. Use an `MLHUB_API_KEY` environment variable if Session.API_KEY_ENV_VARIABLE in os.environ: return Session.from_env() # 3. Use the profile argument provided (Optional, see Using Profiles section for details) # 4. Use the `MLHUB_PROFILE` environment variable (see Using Profiles section for details) # 5. Use the default profile (see Using Profiles section for details) try: if profile == ANONYMOUS_PROFILE: # For the special case of the "__anonymous__" profile, create a Session with no API key return Session(api_key=None) return Session.from_config(profile=profile or os.getenv(Session.PROFILE_ENV_VARIABLE)) except APIKeyNotFound: raise APIKeyNotFound('Could not resolve an API key from arguments, the environment, or a config file.') from None